Type One Together’s mission is to increase knowledge, health literacy, and connection of type one youth and their families through education, products, community & events.
Type One Together

“After babysitting for T1D families throughout college, I quickly noticed there was a huge gap to be filled in type one education. Many families felt defeated and hopeless when it came to their child’s t1d management, as did my own mother growing up. Although I am thankful for my doctors, I was left to figure out so much of diabetes on my own.I have finally reached a place where I live happily with T1D and have achieved the A1C/time in range that makes me feel more myself than ever before! Creating my own diabetes community has truly been life changing and I can’t wait for you to be part of it!
When working with me, we will dive into all things life, diabetes and everything in-between. Although I have experience with most insulin pumps, I specialize in assisting families with Tandem CIQ (t:slim and mobi). Whether you are a parent / caregiver managing a child’s t1d or you are living with diabetes yourself, working to improve your relationship with the disease is everything! Creating mindset shifts around the way you look at both diabetes and life as whole can translate to huge transformations in your happiness and health. Let’s get started!"
Raquel Baron
Founder of Type One Together & T1D for 20 Years

Hi, I’m Amanda. I am a former NICU nurse and mom to a type 1 toddler. My daughter was diagnosed at 2 years old in January 2022 after a long battle with covid. Our first six months after diagnosis were absolutely terrible. Even with my background in nursing, I felt incredibly confused, lost, and overwhelmed. I also felt like my questions and concerns were regularly dismissed or downplayed by our healthcare team.
Eventually, I broke my 11 year social media hiatus in search of community and support. After some time, I gained priceless knowledge from the online type 1 community, and was able to advocate more effectively for my daughter. I also learned how to take control of the disease myself and lead the charge…resulting in a massive improvement in Haddie’s health and quality of life.
I am passionate about helping other families of newly diagnosed children. I believe there is a way for young children to live full, healthy, and relatively normal lives with this disease. As TOT’s family support specialist, I will drop tips, tricks, and easy to digest explanations of all things T1D. I have been working with omnipod 5’s auto mode since its release in July 2022 and co-created Type One Together's Auto Mode Masterclass.
We’ve got this and our warrior children can absolutely do this. Acknowledge the tough. Celebrate the triumph.

My name is Meg and I’ve been living with type 1 diabetes since I was 5 years old. Growing up, I struggled with my confidence around T1D, and it led to many challenges with my diabetes management.
Those struggles led me on a journey in my 20s to get control of my diabetes. Through years of trial and error and learning everything I could, I figured out how to make my diabetes work WITH my life, instead of against it. My life changed.
My own success with T1D inspired me to help others. I am now a Nutritionist and have a Master’s in Nutrition and Food Science. My goal is to help T1Ds live happy, healthy, and active lives.
My philosophy is rooted in the belief that we are all different, and we have to find what works best for our own mental, physical, and diabetes health. I am a big believer in flexibility over rigidness, consistency over perfection, and community over everything! We are stronger together.
When I’m not sharing my life with T1D online, I love running, yoga, traveling, and nailing a pizza bolus.